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Search Engine Optimization for Law Firms February 3, 2007

Posted by Jump2top in Seo Barcelona.

The success of a law firm nowadays is measured by how effective search engine optimization works for the company. Whether you like it or not, people go to the Internet for information. These people may or may not become your potential clients, nevertheless, they use the Internet for information. Therefore, it is essential for a law company to be a “database driven law firm website.”

To become a “database driven law firm website,” a law firm must maintain a content management system for its website. It must be a comprehensive website complete with custom design, proper integration and hosting. A law firm’s website must be designed specifically for law firms. You should be able to add, edit and delete content on your web pages, and put updates for attorney profiles and practice areas.

For search engine optimization to really work for your law firm, you should practice timely posting of useful contents to your site, thereby increasing the chances of people finding your firm. The search engines will pick up on fresh content and rank you accordingly. If prospective clients find your site and reads informative articles, they are likely to visit or contact you for official consultations.

A large law firm covers a wide range of practice areas, but like a small firm, site content is very important. It is critical to keep a current and up to date website content. This is where website content management system comes into work.

There are several ways to successful search engine optimization which could eventually improve a law firm’s search engine rankings.

Law firm’s placement in the search engines defines the number of client traffic it will receive. To be listed in the top 10 or 20, here are some useful tips that will raise your ranking with the search engines.

First, use specific keywords that best suit the legal practice and identify what clients are looking for. There is an available Keyword Selection post in the Internet. This will help.

Then, use the keywords or phrase in the Title of the Page. Next, create a short keyword rich description matching the keywords in the title. It is important to repeat the keyword throughout the page and include it in the Header tags. Content should be related to the Title of the Page and should include the keyword or phrases to the whole page.

Last but not least, make sure there are other sites and directories linking to your site.

If you implement these useful tips, you will sooner or later elevate your search engine position and consequently raise your lead intake. Better yet, implement a different page for each keyword, or a page for each practice area. It maybe painstakingly difficult but it works.

In summary, let me reiterate that a law firm’s success depends on how effective search engine optimization works for the company.

Ma. Roma C. Agsalud

Barcelona Web marketing


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